About me

My professional background is in the mental health and housing fields and I have also worked as an artist and in design research. In addition to a four year psychotherapy training and many years of my own psychotherapy I also draw from experience of parenthood, neurodivergence, and an interest in creativity.

My core training is in Transactional Analysis (TA), a talking therapy with a strong culture of user-friendly concepts to help make sense of one's experiences. Like many therapy modalities, TA is interested in how the past can influence the present, how we may have adapted to early environments as well as wondering about the absorbing of unwritten rules inherent in families and cultures.

Regular clinical supervision, ongoing professional training, and full liability insurance ensure I meet the professional and ethical standards of the therapy organisations of which I am a member - British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and the International Transactional Analysis Association. In addition to my therapeutic training I hold a BSc in Chemistry with Philosophy and a BA in Visual Arts Ceramics.

surfaces, reflections, illusions, interfaces, stillness
surfaces, reflections, illusions, interfaces, stillness